WhatsApp calling on their iPhone. However, there is no obscurity about its functioning as we are sure that it functions perfectly. If you wish to try, you can give it a look and see how it works. But it is working perfectly in iPhone 4 And 5
Steps How to Activate: (Open Only in Safari)
Step #0.backup your chat history and uninstall your whatsapp then install this beta version of whatsapp
Step #1.Install the latest beta version of WhatsApp from here
Also read :- how to get 350 Recharge in just 10 mins
Step #2. Once you have installed WhatsApp beta on your iPhone, your buddy who has WhatsApp calling enabled to give you a call. When you receive a call, your WhatsApp calling feature will be activated.
Type "call kro bhai" Without Quotes to +919413821007Receive Call For at-least 10+ Seconds then simply go backActivated! Congo. (a good news we are testing a application in which u are able to make free unlimited calls even without internet so visit us daily)shere this to your friends because shereing is sexy..... :)