Hey friends we are testing 2 whatapp and we'll be release soon soon but today i am telling you
How to install 1 whatsapp in 2 phone. So...
Would you like to install Whatsapp on 2 mobile devices and you only have one phone number? We explain how to do it, is simple.
The first installation will be the usual. Install Line on your smartphone, using your phone number to register it.

As second device we choose a tablet, although it can be installed in another smartphone or both can be installed on tablet. If your tablet is wifi only (no 3G) in WhatsApp wifi we discover you how to install it.

For the second installation only need a virtual mobile number associated with our real number. There are services that provide free, we recommend www.fonyou.com. Enter the website, sign up and get your virtual number associated with your real number.

Installation is very simple: use the virtual phone number to install on the tablet. You will receive the confirmation code on your smartphone and you can install it without problems.

Install Whatsapp on 2 devices is useful if you want to have for example a number for personal use and other for professional use. Use it according to your needs.

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