You'll get coins for doing various activities like listening song, sharing songs, watch videos & your inviting friends to hungama app.

You'll also use these coins to get free Recharge, Headphone, Nokia Lumia 630 and much more.

Steps To Follow:-

* First of all click here to download the app
* Now open the App.
* U can also Register with Facebook or Google Account.
* You'll also get 300 coins as joining Bonus.

How you will get coins:-

* Listen to a song = 30 hangama coins per song ( Daily limit is 150 coins )

* Watch a video = 30 hangama coins per video ( Daily Limit is 150 coins )

* Like a song/video = 5 coins per Like ( Daily Limit is 20 coins )

* Add Favorite a song/video = 5 coins ( Daily Limit is 35 coins )

* Invite friends = 50 coins per Refer ( Daily limit is 250)

* Share songs = 50 coins per Share (Daily limit is 150)

How to use coins to get Reward:-

* Goto This Link

* Login to your Account. Use account details which you used at Hungama App.

*And now just Redeem Rewards using coins that you've earned.

Some Rewards:-

* 500 coins = Rs.10 Recharge

* 2500 coins = Rs.50

* 5000 coins = Rs.100
And many more Rewards are there.

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